Tuesday, August 16, 2011

this may get complicated

I Love my siblings all so much each one has taught me something special in my life xoxoxo

Yes the boys are asleep in Sacrament Meeting, it was a angry/cute moment for me

My Dad and Liz gave me a brand new kitchen aide for my birthday.....and it's blue!!!

I am now a golfer!! the best part is getting free lessons from Troy

Cory surprised me with new clubs for my birthday, I hope I can continue to get better and better
at this game.

Kids at the Real Soccer game it was super fun

and the Ogden Raptors game, where we enjoyed the very best lemonade

Another year for mason and Scout Camp, not much to tell only that Mason almost fell off a cliff and nearly died. He was watched over thank heavens

Cory working on our new island for the kitchen it looks great and I love it!!


grandma to 16 said...

I love when you put these wonderful pic's on your blog!!! you look like a very cute pink-shirted GOLFER!!

the picture with your dad is darling of all of you.....my turn?!.....next time Troy-Boy shows up~(smile)

Taylor Family said...

What a cute family. (Even if you are making me so jealous that you are so skinny.) You look great. We really want to take you guys boating let us know when you can go.

Pieces of Us said...

I love all of these pictures! K let's go golfing. We could bring the husbands and leave the rascals with your kids. Deal? Let's do it!