Monday, May 2, 2011

Shaw dance

Shaw Dance got to dance at the last Jazz game this year, a little sad for the Jazz but she had lots of fun, (in the picture Brooke is in purple right behind the girl in the middle that is leaning to the side) Jana Shaw is on the right and Cheryl Martinez is on the left these two ladies are seriously intense and have taught Brooke lots. Then Brooke and I enjoyed a basketball game, as you can see from the picture we were on the last row all the way up it was awful to say the least but we had fun eating nachos and diet Coke.

I love you Brookey, one more competition and then recital and then a try out in June for next year............Now comes Mason and Kobe's baseball with 6 games a week between the two of them WOW!


Pieces of Us said...

That is awesome! Let us know when some games are...Beck would love to come!

Tyler - Danielle - Emree said...

Wish I could have been there to see it! SHe is so awesome and got your beautiful eyes!

Cher said...

What a fun mommy daughter date!

grandma to 16 said...

Two beautiful gals I love!!