Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter morning 2011

Easter was great this year I loved the talks in church especially Brooke's talk in Primary it was so good! She wrote it all by herself with zero help and she read a poem that left some with some tears. I cant believe how fast the kids are growing up I am so happy to be their momma. I am now looking forward to warmer weather.......but not so much yard work. I hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday. A side note in the pictures yes the sun was in the kids eyes as you can see lol


Taylor Family said...

What a cute family. Is Mason really that tall? We really need to get together our bumping into each other in the halls at church just isn't enough.

Cher said...

Cute pictures. I am so jealous of the patch of sun.

grandma to 16 said...

what cute pictures!!! You must have had the only sunshine I saw all Easter!!

crazycranefamily said...

You all look so cute in your Easter Outfits. That is one of my favorite parts of Easter Sunday =) I am glad you all had an amazing Easter!