Wednesday, March 16, 2011

and I wont let go

The title to this song is I wont let go. I have to believe these are God's words and for the people of Japan who are so afraid and have lost all hope I know that God wont let them go.

I want to say for me it seems like life is really all about holding on to what is dear and true in your heart, I want to thank my sister in law Stacey for her recent blog post and for Kate I love the innocence of a child and the spirit within them all.

I have suffered loss and pain and more times then not questions unanswered but I to am so grateful to know that there is something much bigger then this, and I believe in moments of silence where our thoughts and wishes are heard we are not alone. I know that he will dry our eyes and fight our fight.
As for the picture of my kids with reason other then I give thanks for them everyday


Stacey said...

I love you Jen, and you have been through so much more than anyone can really comprehend. You are so strong, and you are an incredible mother!

grandma to 16 said...

I love you dear daughter!! Everything you want will be yours one day~The Lord keeps all his promises D&C 98:1-3

Your joy of life is manifest in your beautiful children's eyes!


Cathy Bubert said...

Jen, you are an inspiration to MANY! Thank you for your amazing faith and example.