Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So I realize the blog has been about Mason for awhile. So he wore the purple cast for two weeks we went in for a follow up x-ray and Dr. said it wasn't healing so into surgery he went yesterday morning. He was so nervous Cory gave him a blessing the night before and that helped him so much. I know that this was just an arm but there is something very nerve wrenching about watching your baby young or old be wheeled into the operating room. Needless to say it killed me. After what seemed like eternity the Dr. said I could go be with him in the recovery room as we walked back and they pulled that curtain open for a split second I saw that crazy little toddler all full of teeth grinning at me. I love this boy I love the worry and stress that comes with being his mom, I love the jokes and the laughs he brings to us. I love that deep voice that is ALWAYS talking even when I don't want to hear another word. Most of all I love the text messages he sent to me all day today telling me he loves me and thanking me for all I do for him. Be strong Mason and patient this will end the pins will come out soon enough and you will be hitting home runs in no time!


John and Randi Huston said...

such a cute post :) Made me cry. We love you Mason!

crazycranefamily said...

Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for Mason AND his Momma! You may need some of his pain meds when all of this is done :)

Pieces of Us said...

Get better Mason!!!

grandma to 16 said...

So proud of your attitude, Mason.

Hope your "states test" went well. You, your sister and brother are soooooo smart!!

so glad you are one of my People!

ly, gram