Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Kobe Blue Jays # 7

We really thought our Kobe was a football star ONLY, but this year he showed us he can do it all, he was great at baseball this year and I think the cutest one out there which I have the right to say after all he is my baby........ Of course now it's on to football.


grandma to 16 said...

the picture of him as a catcher, I have to have a copy!!! soooooo handsome~ It is fun to watch you play baseball, Kobe~~

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Kobe you had a great year! :)

Cher said...

Wow what great pictures, he is by far the cutest baseball player I've seen.

Stacey said...

These pictures are awesome. I'm so proud of you Kobe. You are SO cute, and athletic, and I love you.

crazycranefamily said...

He is just an amazing athlete! Good job Kobe. I can't believe how much he looks like Cory with blonde hair. The pictures are great!

Grandma Megan said...

Who was the photographer....they should consider this as a job!!! You are so dang cute Kobe!!!! Love you.