Monday, May 3, 2010

Office Before......

Friends from Tooele will not be suprised to see these pictures of my office. All white walls, plain and boring!!
Stay tuned I have a Interior Designer (that I'm not paying for) doing my office into a DREAM room, I will post after pictures soon we are just putting the last few touches in.


Taylor Family said...

I am so glad you won that prize. How cool to have Jen come and decorate your house. I hope it turns out amazing

The Halls of Fame said...

So being one of those "friends" from Tooele, I actually am surprised because you my dear are anything but plain and boring! They are only white because you a)haven't chosen the perfect paint color yet or b)found the time to do it. Ok who am I kidding, you just haven't found someone to paint it for you!!! And now it looks like your dream has come true and the magic room fairy, aka the interior designer, gets to come do this project with you! Good luck! I can't wait to see pics!!

Pieces of Us said...

I can't wait to see it!

Anonymous said...

It looks so good so far!
From, Brooke

Stacey said...

Can't wait for the afters!!!

grandma to 16 said...

I'm so excited to see it!! how fun~

crazycranefamily said...

If only Vannessa and I were there to paint it for you. Bring you some good magazines to look at while we labor away, I think this project would've been done months ago :)
Can't WAIT to see the finished project!

Cher said...

I am so jealous. I can't wait to see it. Way to leave me hangin'.

grandma to 16 said...

when, when?

Anonymous said...

We are waiting for the new pictures. From, Brooke