Happy Birthday Mason Cory Horton. You were due on March 11th but you made me hang on to you for two more weeks I was furious! I think the Doctor finally said I could have you because every time he saw me I was crying, lets just say I wasn't the most patient shocker I know. You were born at 9:30pm and you were screaming loud from your first breath but when they laid you in my arms our eyes met and you became still and quiet. We both knew we were in for a challenge but I think we met that challenge with flying colors. Now we face another challenge teenager years and once again together we can do it. I watched the video of you today being born and of course cried like a baby. Thanks for choosing us and for being the oldest in our family and for being Mason, mommy loves you

Mason you always make everyone laugh, you are such a delight to be around, I have enjoyed every minute raising you to 13 years I will be honest I'm so not ready for you to grow up any more then this. It really seems to me that the years are coming and going to fast. I love you more then words can say and one day when you hold your own son and watch him grow to 13 then you will know just how much I love you.
I laughed out loud seeing that little chubby guy!!! what fun I had with my first grandson's arrival!!! Happy Birthday bud!
ly, gram
I can't believe he's 13! He was only 8 when I came into the fam. He was the cutest baby boy.
Happy Birthday Mason You look like you have grown even more than when we last saw you. I know Troy thinks of you as one of his own kids. We love you have a great birthday.
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