Turning 30 for Cory is one Birthday he will never forget and I'm not talking about anything really special that happened no I'm talking about this is the year he got new GOLF CLUBS and not just any golf clubs but really, really nice GOLF CLUBS! That's right having a golf pro for a brother sure made this easy and so much fun. Thanks Troy for all the help Cory thanks you to. In the words of Cory "I officially have the nicest putter ever" living on a golf course sure makes it easy in fact he is over there right now on the putting green. I just know he will be making a tee time this week as long as the weather holds up.
Mom had the clubs hidden in her car then Sheila topped this morning off with Cory's favorite dessert ECLAIRS (which he said no one could have one, he said you had to be 30 to have one) Happy Birthday Cory I love you.
Happy Birthday and welcome to 30!! Hope you like those clubs man, those shafts in the irons are siiiiiick!!! they are Tiger's shafts, and they should keep your ball flight down this year, giving you some control, and distance, no more horton moon balls! Thanks for taking care of my sister man, and thanks for being a good example to me. love ya Troy
Happy 30th Cory! Totally calls for golf clubs.. and then therapy!! haha! I can't believe we are all already turning 30! Nuts!! You're an awesome wife Jen! Looks like you made sure his bday was great!
You wear your age well, Cor!!!
Happy Birthday, love you!
Thanks for taking such good care of my little girl and sweet grandchildren!
wow cory 30!!!!! You are getting so old :) hahah jk. Happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday and welcome to 30!! Hope you like those clubs man, those shafts in the irons are siiiiiick!!! they are Tiger's shafts, and they should keep your ball flight down this year, giving you some control, and distance, no more horton moon balls! Thanks for taking care of my sister man, and thanks for being a good example to me. love ya
Happy birthday Corihor! He looks so proud with those golf clubs of his. Way to give a good gift Jen!
Happy birthday Cory! Derek will be so jealous of those clubs!
How fun! and delicious! Happy Birthday to Cory!
Happy 30th Cory! Totally calls for golf clubs.. and then therapy!! haha! I can't believe we are all already turning 30! Nuts!! You're an awesome wife Jen! Looks like you made sure his bday was great!
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