Wednesday, January 13, 2010

While you were Snorkeling: Day three

Well Jen, it's our third and final day tending to the Horton Hurricane.

Kobe has been my little buddy.
He gives me hugs, but pretends like he doesn't want to.
Brooke has been a little angel,
spending all of her time with Pearl.
Pearl wishes she could be Brookie,
and cried every-time we had to drop her off somewhere.
Pearl finally put her foot down tonight when I told her we had to drive Brooke to dance.
She said "no mom, we can't take her to dance."
We had to anyway.

See for yourself what happened.

Then there is Mason.
Oh Mason.
His binder went missing today.
I took him back to school after hours,
to see if had turned up.
Well he returned without his binder,
but not empty-handed.
He came out with book 2 book covers.
To put on his... head?
He, being the good brother he is, made sure Kobe had one too.

Then Mason showed us a very haunted house.
Apparently it has chains hanging from the ceiling.

I guess it's time for me to turn them back over to you.
One thing I must say Jen--
You are one very loved Mom.
You had little trinkets displayed all over your house
that had been given to you by your kids.
I love that.

A framed picture from Mason.

A handmade necklace from Brooke.
And a note from Kobe,
where he said he:
worries about his family,
dreams about his family,
and hopes that everyone is safe.
Kobe also told me that you coming home tonight was
"the only thing he could think about."

So here they are.
Your three little sweeties.
Who have anxiously been awaiting your arrival.


the Horton Hurricane said...

Stacey thanks so much from the bottom of my heart, it feels so good to be back with them. I love the blog you are the best!

grandma to 16 said...

they had so much fun!! but nothing like have their parents SAFELY SAFELY SAFELY back home!!!