The night before you were born Dad came home from work with 12 long stem pink roses for me. I don't know if it was the pink flowers or my inability to be patient but I had to hold you right then. So I went to the store and got some castor oil and drank the whole bottle. Sure enough it brought on labor and twelve hours of waiting you were here. Tiny little girl strait from Heaven to us, your big brother loved you from the moment he saw you. You came home in a little winter suit with baby pink rose buds all over it. This morning before I woke you up I went and looked at that very same outfit and remembered what it was like ten years ago today. Thank you for choosing me as your Mom, I love you

Your favorite place in the world is the Beach, and I love this picture, it was the best day, I'm a lucky Mom

You and your Dad have always had such a cute and special relationship he loves you so much.
Happy birthday Brookie!! I can't believe she is 10. She is such a little sweetheart.
Happy Birthday Brooke!!!
What a sweet girl! To Brooke: Happy Birthday! It is very clear how much your mommy loves you! Stay close to her always and let her be an inspiration to you! She is an amazing woman!!
Love to all of you, TeKarri ♥
Brooke, you are such an example to all of our kids, Kaylee loves you and I remember you in the hospital after I got home from my mission, the look on your dads face told me he fell in love with another girl. Love you Brooke.
Uncle Troy
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