Horton Family
Monday, January 23, 2012
Something new
I was called to serve as the young women's ward camp director, yes you read this correctly me Jenny Horton who doesn't camp who likes to sit on the couch and read a good book or watch a great movie has been called to lead these girls in camp. I don't do fires I dont do tents I don't cook meals that are wrapped in tinfoil. Needless to say I am a bit nervous however life is about learning and growing so I can do this. The up side is I get to be with my Brooke and this year her and I together will be earning our young women medallion recognition, I never had a chance to do this in my youth so I am way excited. I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and I know he is aware of me and loves me, he has given me the holy ghost as a CONSTANT companion and friend. I love that everyday I can become better and stronger as a daughter of God and then on the not so good days I can be forgiven and start again. I am so lucky to be a mom in my life I feel like at times I really can make such a difference in their lives. I love my husband and best friend Cory with all my heart and soul and I know he and I were meant to endure this journey together. I am grateful for my calling in the nursery sometimes we have as much as 18 kids in there and I think each Sunday I have kissed each one of their cheeks at least once. These perfect children are such a joy to be around and I love them. I am so excited about our families new years resolution we have been waking up at 6:30 each morning to read a chapter or two from the Book of Mormon and I speak for all of us when I say our days are better. The scriptures are powerful and they were written truly for our time. Most of all I am blessed today from my trials we all have them, we all must face these bumps and hard times in this life. As for me they have made me stronger still some days are much harder then others when I think about what I have gone through the heart aches but to know that what I am feeling my savior has felt also and I can focus on the life to come because it will come, this life is short and the next is forever.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Disneyland 2011
We left for the airport early Christmas morning, 4am early to be exact. It was definitely a different Christmas but we loved it and I would do it again (although maybe one day shorter shhhhh lol) Brooke was on crutches and a wheelchair at Disney she had a dance injury to her ankle and that was fine with all of us because it made for some shorter lines for the rides. We ate churros, cinnamon rolls, cotton candy and Coke lots of Coca Cola!!! we saw two great movies and did some shopping. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe, but PF Changs was our favorite as it usually is! Kobe each morning ate pancakes with strawberry syrup and Mason french toast!! It was 75 degrees and even hit 78 one day, it was beautiful there. When we got to the hotel Santa was there to meet us Christmas day, the kids didn't waste a single minute. Kobe had to hit the hot tub each night before bed. We rode Tower of Terror at least 10 times we got wet on splash mountain and Mason and Kobe took on Buzz Light year. Space Mountain is better then ever. Christmas 2011 was super fun and unlike any gift I could have put under the tree I hope they will remember this the most. 

Monday, December 19, 2011
Gold's Gym - We Are Stronger
I recently joined a Golds Gym and this inspired me, watch it and let it inspire you. We can all get stronger together lets make 2012 our STRONG year!!!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Brookey gets her hair done
So the ward came late last night and put this sign out in our yard for the newest young woman in our ward, that's right Brooke Horton is twelve. And with twelve comes new highlights for her hair :) for as long as I can remember Brooke has loved coming with me to get my hair done and for the last 4 years I have been going to a girl that Brooke idolizes. Her name is Kaylee and she is a ballerina and so Brooke was so excited for her to do her hair. I love you Brooke I had a great day with you and I am so proud of you love always Mom.

Monday, December 12, 2011
I forgot to blog about this little guy Kobe. He had a birthday on December 1st he wanted to have warm cinnamon rolls for breakfast so we did. I love you Kobe Reed I love how you love to dance with me all the time and how you will spend 30 minutes explaining a book to me that you are reading. I love that you love Friday because you get to sleep in the next morning as long as you want. I love that in church after you take the sacrament you go to sleep the rest of the meeting. You are so important to this family and you bring such a sweet love into our lives. Happy Birthday Kobe.

Monday, December 5, 2011
wind damage
This is what happened to our house and fence after the wind storm, only minor compared to what others faced. Cory has been repairing roofs for all his cute families in Centerville all week. I just need to be patient and wait my turn for Mr. Horton to come and repair our house. I love that he can fix anything!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011
Edward and Bella
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